Our Mission
The mission of the Physical Therapy & Community Mobility Clinic (PT&CMC) is to promote community health as well as excellence in the education of physical therapy professionals by offering creative, evidence-informed, physical therapy related clinical and educational programming to members of our community.

Our Vision
The PT&CMC contributes to the health of our community. The clinic utilizes an integrated academic-community service learning approach to rehabilitation and health promotion services for members of our community whose access to rehabilitation and wellness care is limited by economic and social factors. Students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program derive enhanced knowledge and skills, and prepare for future leadership roles, through participation in PT&CMC offerings. The principal activities of the PT&CMC include provision of in-person and telehealth physical therapy care for individuals and groups. The clinic develops and offers educational and instructional media with an emphasis on improving health and engaging in the life of the community for people of all ages with a variety of developmental and rehabilitation needs. Clinic personnel partner with community organizations to foster access to rehabilitative care and educational opportunity.