Graduate Writing Workshop 6: Strategies for global and small-scale revision

Virtual 263 Alden Street, Springfield

This workshop will provide strategies to use published articles in your field as models to help revise and refine your research writing projects. This workshop will go over methods to refine sequencing, logic, and development of ideas to help turn rough drafts into stellar final drafts. Click for more information and the Zoom link: Graduate […]

Workshop 7: Sharpening writing, Q/A, Special Topics by Request

Virtual 263 Alden Street, Springfield

This workshop will review strategies to sharpen writing, answer questions, and provide information about semester-specific topics based on student requests. Click for more information and the Zoom link: Graduate Writing […]

Workshop 7: Sharpening writing, Q/A, Special Topics by Request

Virtual 263 Alden Street, Springfield

This workshop will review strategies to sharpen writing, answer questions, and provide information about semester-specific topics based on student requests. Click for more information and the Zoom link: Graduate Writing […]

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