Music Concert Featuring Alash
Alash is a trio of master throat singers (xöömeizhi) from Tuva, a tiny republic in the heart of Inner Asia. The ancient art of throat singing (xöömei) was developed among the nomadic herdsmen of this region. Alash remains grounded in this tradition while expanding its musical vocabulary with new ideas from the West.
Alash’s inaugural U.S. tour was sponsored in 2006 by the Open World Leadership program of the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Washington Post described their music as “utterly stunning.” Since then, Alash has been in high demand internationally, performing in concert halls and festivals in Europe and Asia as well as North and South America. You won’t want to miss this incredible opportunity to hear Alash live on campus!
This event is free and open to the Springfield College community and the public.
Photo: Wada Fumiko
A Wellness Passport Event